#VTB News: Top 10 Video Tutorials

Hello guys. am resuming fully soon off my long term break, due to educational purpose :). Below are the top 10 video tutorials created based on their YouTube views. Vincent technology blog which is a free-end-tech blog would resume full soon with lots of video tutorials in diverse field and tips & tricks in IT.

10. How To Transfer or Seize (FSMO Roles) - Windows Server 2012
FSMO roles are the Flexible Single Master Operation Roles of Active Directory which consist of the following five roles in two categories.

9. Creating CMAK app for VPN Remote Users on Windows Server 2012
Here is a video on how to configure Connection Manager Administration Kit for VPN Remote Users on Windows Server 2012.

8. Configure VPN with NAP using PPTP/ SSTP Server 2012 (Part 1)
Goodday. Here is a tutorial which shows you how to Configure Virtual Private Network (VPN) with Network Access Protection (NAP) and Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) on Server 2012 which gives you a very secure way in connecting to your Office network from any location that has an active internet connections, and is not filtering https. The port is usually open for normal secure web site traffic. I also show the easier Point-To-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) configuration which I did first. Enjoy.

Hope it help. I really appreciate your feedback. Hit the like button & please subscribe

7. Configuring Group Policy on Windows Server 2012 (Complete)  
Here is a tutorial which shows you how to configure Group Policy on Windows Server 2012. For both users and computers on your corporate or company network.

6. Install & Configure ADRMS Windows Server 2012  
in this video, you would learn to configure Active Directory Rights Management Service. Its a
detailed video that helps you understand how ADRMS fully works on Microsoft Windows Server 2012. ADRMS is a role part of Microsoft Server 2008/2012 Server used for integrity, confidentiality, and right permissions to secure ADRMS enabled applications i.e. Microsoft 2013 Suits, Internet Explorer, Exchange Server,  etc.

5. Enable & Access BIOS in Vmware WorkstationThis video tutorial shows you how to Access the BIOS in Vmware Workstation.

4. Configure WDS on Windows Server 2012Here is a video on how to Configure Windows Deployment Services (WDS) on Windows Server 2012.

3. How To Create Shared Drive & Folder Redirection Windows Server 2012This video explains fully how to Configure Shared Drive & Folder Redirection on Windows Server 2012.
Shared Drive is basically making storage or resources available centrally on a computer network.

2. Install & Configure DFS Namespace/Replication Windows Server 2012This tutorial shows you how to Install & Configure DFS (Distributed File System) Namespace and Replication on Windows Server 2012.

1. Windows Server 2008 R2 Upgrade/Migrate to Server 2012Here is smooth tutorial on how to upgrade and migrate you Windows Server 2008 or 2008 R2 to Server 2012.


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