How To Install Whatsapp and other Android Apps On Windows PC

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Hello guys, here is a quick glimpse on how to get Whatsapp and other Android apps on your Windows (XP, Vista, 7, or 8) PC.
Most people like me dine and wine with the PC a lot, so its difficult to visit my mobile Whatsapp. With this tutorial, that problem would be eliminated shortly.

 Follow the Steps below.

Step 1 - Download Bluestacks for Windows HERE

Step 2 - Install it

Step 3 - Move your mouse to the Settings button at the right bottom of Bluestacks

Step 4 - Clicks and navigate to Cloud computing to Sync your Bluestacks with your PC inserting your Gmail and phone number.
 (You should get a success message that your sync is successful)

Step 5 - Navigate to Messaging at the top right and select whatsapp.

Follow the process and we are done!

 If you didn't get the steps. Watch the Video Tutorial below;


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