How To Delete Computer Virus On Pen Drives or Hard Drives [Easy]

Removing virus from the computer system, pen drive, hard-disk-drive is not always about getting an anti-virus software to use. Some of this Anti-virus post treat to our computer system.
Today we would see "How to remove the viruses" without the need of Anti-Virus Softwares.

Please follow the short steps below
Step 1 - Insert the Affected Pen Drive or Storage Device - Note the drive letter (but do not open it)
Step 2 - open command prompt as an administrator. Mine is drive I:

Step 3 - Use ":I" to switch to the drive from the command line.
Step 4 - Type "attrib -s -h -r *.*" in the command line. Press enter.

The step 4 - Command would make all the hidden virus files visible. So you can access the drive now and delete all suspicious virus files.

After doing this remove the drive and insert it again. You will notice you files are back the viruses are gone.

You can watch the 3:44 video below also.


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